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Science Says

Science Says is a group of UC Davis grad students and postdocs passionate about making science accessible to the general public.

Its goals are to:

  • Offer science communication training to UC Davis students and postdoctoral fellows
  • Develop skills useful for careers outside of academia
  • Connect scientists to the community through shared curiosity
  • Act as the hub for student science communication projects at UC Davis 

Check out Science Says at their website or follow them on Twitter!

Five people wearing Science Says shirts that say "Ask me why I love Science"

Science Says is an initiative of IFAL. Through workshops, social media, and science communication events this group of early career scientists encourage their audiences to explore science in the world around them. 

Sample projects include:

  • The "Ask a scientist" table at the Davis Farmer's Market
  • Youtube videos about hybrid vigor, genetic engineering, and natural food labels
  • Sac Science Distilled: monthly science cafés in Sacramento
  • Mentorship of elementary school children
  • "Science Really Says" blog addressing food and agricultural issues
  • A book club focusing on literary works that explores food, agriculture, and science
  • A monthly speaker series discussing policy, agricultural economics, and cooperative extension